Building Association of South Central Indiana

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  3. Harrell-Fish Inc. Mechanical & Building Solutions

Harrell-Fish Inc. Mechanical & Building Solutions

  1. Associate Member
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  3. Harrell-Fish Inc. Mechanical & Building Solutions

Our Mission is to provide excellence and value through superior performance.
We will:
Be responsive to client needs, and provide the best solutions – in a timely manner, using quality materials
Retain a talented and stable work force
Exceed customer expectations and earn our reputation everyday
We will work safely
Harrell-Fish Inc. (HFI) is a mechanical contracting and service firm specializing in the construction, industrial, health care, commercial, food service, residential, and energy industries. HFI performs and excels in all areas including plan and spec work, design/build, full 24-hour emergency service and maintenance, and construction management.
The majority of our work is from repeat business from our valued clients where we work very hard to make sure our clients are satisfied. we tackle all projects regardless of size with care and expertise. We will assemble a team to match the specific needs of your project.
Since our founding in 1985, we have grown to one of the top employers in the region. In addition to taking great care of our people, we pride ourselves in being active and giving back to our community. We are a privately held locally owned company that wants to earn your trust and respect.
For your next project or service need, contact any of our experts to assist you. I give you my personal guarantee that we will strive to meet your needs and I hope you will agree with thousands of your peers that dealing with HFI is a truly remarkable experience.

2010 W. Fountain Drive, Indiana 47402
Contact Name: Bob Magiera
Phone: 812-339-2579